How to Stay Motivated with Working Out


Fashion Jackson Wearing lululemon Black Jacket Black Leggings

‘Tis the season to eat, drink, and try our best to stay in shape between it all! Everyone struggles with wanting to eat all the things during the holidays, how could we not? With all the big meals, sweet treats, and addictive appetizers floating around, it can feel next to impossible to not indulge and you absolutely should. But having a full-proof game plan to stay active and on your feet during the holidays will be your saving grace, and the cuter you look, the harder you’ll work (that’s not a fact, but I feel like it should be) which is why lululemon is my go-to for looking and feeling good.

Treat Yourself to New Gear

My number one tip for staying fitness-focused is cute gear. I know, I know. It seems silly. But, when I buy a new workout outfit from lululemon, the excitement of getting to wear it during my workout makes my motivation skyrocket! If I look good, I feel confident and that is truly half the battle of staying fit during the season. And between lululemon’s women’s and men’s gift guides, featured below, it’s so easy to find what will make you feel good! My entire look is lululemon from head to toe.

Enlist an Accountability Buddy

It’s amazing what working out with a friend or your partner can do for your motivation. Set a time where you guys meet outside at a distance once a week and go on a long walk together! I’m lucky that Will is naturally so active—we love going on jogs and walks together, and gives us something to look forward to in the name of exercise. Plus, he looks killer in all.

Join a Virtual Gym/Hire a Personal Trainer

This may sound simple (or ridiculous), but honestly it works. If I rely on just myself when it comes to having a fitness routine, it just won’t happen. Plain and simple. This year, when everything shut down, I decided to follow in my friend @emmasthing’s footsteps and work with her virtual personal trainer, @megmo_fit. Emma had such amazing results, I wanted to give it a go and it’s been such a rewarding journey so far. On the free side of things, though, lululemon has tons of free workouts on both their Instagram highlights and YouTube that are at your disposal always! 

Set Goals, Then Crush Them

I’ve always found that setting small goals for myself pushes me forward in my success. For example, I want to lift this weight by this date or I want to sprint this much faster by this date. Creating fitness goals automatically makes you feel motivated and gives you something to work toward. If clothes really motivate you like they do me, make a silent pact with yourself that if you complete a said goal, you can treat yourself to something.

Fitness essentials
 gym accessories 
gym wear fitness clothing yoga pants yoga wear
fashion fitness gym fashion fitness life fitness apparels Activewear



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